Check out this exclusive offer


The Path to Assisted Living Starts Here

The Residential Assisted Living Launchpad Course is the perfect kick start for anyone looking to get into assisted living.

Get the RAL Launch Pad Online Training for only $47

This Launch Is For You

Getting started in any business can be overwhelming, and this is especially true for the residential assisted living business opportunity. Even if you have a thorough understanding of real estate, breaking into the senior housing market comes with quite a learning curve.

The GREAT news is that now is the best time to get started and we want to let you in on a brand new training opportunity that will give you the jumpstart you need.

The Best Launch Pad for RAL Success

The Residential Assisted Living Launchpad Course is the most compact, high-density training that includes:


Learn from founder, Gene Guarino, as he breaks down the key data that is driving thousands to open high cash flow homes and replacing their daily 9-5 jobs through assisted living.

Be on your way to knowing the next right step in adding residential assisted living to your business and investing portfolio.

Discover how to launch your first home in less than 6 months, and start earning!